Here you find all about Water Level Gauge.
Water level or gauge height or stage is the elevation of the free surface of a stream, lake or reservoir relative to a specified datum.
Sudden flood events with a high risk potential increasingly belong to everyday life of people living or working directly at rivers and streams. Even though avoiding events caused by the weather themselves is impossible, a prompt flood warning would be extremely helpful for residents of respectively flood-prone waters. Unfortunately, there is either not a sufficient number of conventional early-warning systems available or they primarily send their warning signals to authorities or organizations such as e.g. fire brigade or Technisches Hilfswerk (German Federal Agency for Technical Relief), and not directly to the persons concerned. A further aggravating aspect is that wired warning systems are often damaged by flood und signal transmission is disrupted or even fails completely. Remedy may be found here using wireless, radio-based flood warning systems such as for example offered by Schildknecht AG with the IoT (Internet of Things) Gateway DATAEAGLE 7000. Utilizing mobile radio in combination with a cloud portal provides further advantages for users.
The water level of the river Murr in Ludwigsburg, Germany is measured with a real-time monitoring system DATAEAGLE 7000 to inform the people about flood events. According to the water level the measuring and transmission interval is adjusted automatically and sent the Data to our Device Cloud and to Twitter. In case of a flood the data is transmitted in real-time without delays. Read more here!
Water Level Gauge bei der Schildknecht AG
Zubair Khan
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